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re: Space creating technology (Growler Radio 21 "Bottomless Bag")
Fact: With every major technological advance comes unexpected consequences. It seems like only yesterday, if you had a large object, you needed a large space to keep it. Recent advances in encrusted technology have changed the way we live by providing us with big new spaces in small, convenient packages. Bottomless Bag, Deep Pockets, Little Big Box, are just some of the brand names of containers using this new space creating technology. Each container holds as much as you put in and its weight never varies no matter how much it's holding. Simply inverting the container retrieves the contents.
Is infinite storage a good thing? Of course it is! But there are those who abuse technology, and unseen dangers often surface as a result of popular use, and there clearly is a need for new laws to govern the safe use of these products.
For example, the airlines no longer permit any encrusted containers on board as a result of an incident involving the accidental spilling of a Bottomless Bag while a plane was in flight. Fortunately, everything was quickly put back into the bag, and the plane landed safely after recovering from the overload. Also, the use of containers to sneak others into the theater is obviously illegal. And finally, traveling by mail is considered extremely dangerous, yet we know that for many families it is now the most cost effective means of transportation.
And that's an amazing Huhu fact.
re: Toxic Obnoxic (Growler Radio 20 "Toxic Obnoxic")
Fact: The extremely powerful can also be the extremely fragile. Toxic Obnoxic is a good example. It is a potent, naturally occuring, behavior altering encrustation that thrives on the obnoxious behavior it causes. Recent studies have shown remarkable possibilities for the harnessed use of its powers. This encrusted mineral was discovered by a young Dr. Growler deep in the Forbidden Zone, at the bottom of the Cave of Belches, where rude sounds are naturally occuring. Toxic Obnoxic has recently entered mainstream research focused on emergency light sources, as well as in the treatment of politeness disorders.
Extremely powerful stuff, but extremely fragile. Toxic Obnoxic is so frail, that if simply left alone, in the absence of rudeness, it perishes. By itself!
And that's an amazing Huhu fact.
re:Book Of Lies (Growler Radio 5 "Book Of Lies")
Fact: The acknowledged founder of our current magic based culture is Oldold, our ancestor and the master of unseen forces. This prolific genius created huge numbers of magically encrusted items: magic jewelry, magic clothing, magic food,and even magic music. Interestingly, Oldold was a handcrafter of many moods. Although most of his work involved helping others, magic historians say that a large number of his magic objects were created as practical jokes and tricks on his unfortunate friends.
Among the more dangerous relics was a magically encrusted volume entitled Book Of Lies. He must have been in quite foul a mood when he made this one. If you open it, you are charmed into believing the book, which lies. This causes you to think everyone else is lying and you end up trusting no one. Book Of Lies was considered so devastatingly dangerous that the Huhu Authority voted UNANIMOUSLY to flush it! UNANIMOUSLY!
And that's an amazing Huhu fact!
re: Doubt & Upsy (Growler Radio 16 "Seeds Of Doubt")
Fact: Even weeds can have their day in the sun. For a long time, the poor Doubt was considered a weed, to be pulled and discarded. This was because the plant projects a discouraging odor, and the leaves make discomforting noises in the wind. But then our ancestor and Master of Natural Forces Oldold found that Doubt could be used to neutralize the fearsome magic of Upsy crystals.
Oldold discovered that Doubt bushes only grew in the presence of Upsy and that these Upsy seemed to be harmless. His studies revealed that Doubt is a parasite that lives off the magic of its host, the Upsy. The plant is somehow able to completely negate the powers of the magic substrate. Upon release, the seeds immediately seek out a host Upsy crystal, attach themselves, and begin to consume the Upsy's magic. This revelation completely transformed public opinion. Once forsaken, Doubt is now a revered and protected species.
And that's an amazing Huhu fact!
re: Project No Night (Growler Tapes IV & Growler Radio 6 "Dry Water")
Fact: Growlers have always been afraid of the dark. And that fear has been the driving force behind Dr. Growler's life mission of finding a way to eliminate all darkness. Combining several new technologies, he's been experimenting with stimulated laser-photon illumination applied from an anti-gravity sustaining platform.
He has already perfected both the anti-gravity systems, and a super-bright light he calls Growlershine. He is currently in search of a power supply large enough to handle his needs. As a service to all Growlers, he plans to turn on Growlershine from high in the sky every night. His ultimate goal is also the name his mission: Project No Night.
And that's an amazing Huhu fact!
re: Edible Incredible (Growler Radio 17 "Edible Incredible")
Fact: Some parents will try anything to get their children to eat vegetables. Our ancestor and Master of Natural Forces was no different. He developed several food enchantments with the aim of getting his kids to eat foods he felt were healthy. He started by creating Seemingly Useless Magic Beans, which turned out to have many varied applications, but did not make anyone like beans. And there's the less known Yuk To Yum, which made you love food you previously hated. Unfortunately Yuk To Yum also made you hate foods you used to love!
Then finally, Oldold met with success. He developed a matter altering encrustation he named Edible Incredible, originally intended to improve the taste of the vegetables he served his children. When he first tried it, he found that his kids not only ate their vegetables, but they also devoured the plates, the utensils, and the table as well. By accident, he stumbled onto a formula which changed everything into delicious food. He found that a miniscule amount of Edible Incredible, sprinkled into the air was enough to change the contents of a typical room. If the proper amount is used, everything returns to normal within a few moments, except for what was eaten.
And that's an amazing Huhu fact!
re: Imposimazoo (Growler Radio 4 "Imposimazoo")
Fact: Ancient Huhu hieroglyphics speak of a mythical creature which contaminated the population until our technology produced a magic smell enchantment that could detect its presence. We speak of the dreaded Imposimazoo.
Buried deep beneath a column of intentionally positioned retaining boulders, an ancient urn was recently unearthed revealing more astonishing details about this important mythical creature. Because so few details have ever been found concerning the Imposimazoo's appearance, the artwork on this urn is significant. It seems the ancients described this famous mythological creature as both having no form and having all forms, as being both harmless and disastrous.
And that's an amazing Huhu fact!
re: Here Nor There (Growler Radio 8 "Invisibility Crisis")
Fact: There is truth in the power of opposites. Back in the early stages of our magic evolution, experimenting with invisibility was quite fashionable. Of course, many mistakes were made, and many of the early experimenters disappeared. To help find them, our ancestor Oldold created an enchantment called Here Nor There, which he claimed would make visible all those who had mistakenly become invisible. But the Natural Forces Society refused to let him conduct Here Nor There when they saw the way it explosively reproduced itself. They feared that if everything became invisible, no one would see ANYTHING.
Now we know that Oldold was right after all. Here Nor There finally stopped exploding once everything was invisible. And guess what? The invisibility crisis is over! When EVERYTHING is invisible, nothing is.
And that's an amazing Huhu fact!
re: Swine Laurel (Growler Radio 1 "I Am Not A Pig!")
Fact: Ancient Huhu were found often buried side by side with pigs. At first we thought these pigs were actually other, Huhu relatives who had been changed into pigs by the Swine Laurel. huhu But now we know that these pigs were real, prized ceremonial pigs trained to safely gather the magical Swine Laurel Berry.
And that's an amazing Huhu fact!
re: Seemingly Normal (Growler Radio 10 "Mad Rainbow")
Fact: Sometimes it's ALL in the mind. Early magic experimenters made many mistakes, some disastrous. Created to deal with these magic disasters was a special class of rituals we call Undo enchantments like Cancel, Eraser, Super Undo, Uh Oh, and Take It Back. Our ancestor and Master of Natural Forces Oldold was responsible for most of them, including an advanced ritual of last resort called Seemingly Normal. According to the translated documentation, Seemingly Normal does not actually correct anything. Instead, the magic works by making no one notice the problem.
Records show Oldold successfully treated individuals who had suffered severe magic accidents, including a Huhu with 29 feet, and another with wings. After treatment with Seemingly Normal, these individuals became seemingly normal and lived seemingly normal lives.
That Growler sitting next to you could have two heads. If Seemingly Normal were used on him, you & I wouldn't even notice! No one would.
And that's an amazing Huhu fact!
re: Betwixt & Between (Growler Radio 15 "Recipe For Disaster")
Fact: We who live in the modern world have been free from many of the devastating natural magic disasters which struck our ancestors. One such disaster was caused by the ancient encrusted virus Betwixt & Between. Highly contagious and very dangerous, Betwixt & Between infestations are mentioned in many historic documents as the cause of uncontrolled disappearances and reappearances. Contact with victims was avoided because this magic virus was transmitted by touch. Betwixt & Between was so potent that it could even infect wood and stone.
In spite of this devastating power, the only known remedy for the Betwixt & Between virus was banned by the ancient Huhu Council. The last recorded infestation of Betwixt & Between was cured by our ancestor and master or natural forces, Oldold, using a simple homeopathic recipe he devised. He became a hero and published his now famous book Magical Reference vol. 2, which contained much of his magical knowledge. By reading the book, the Huhu Magistrate discovered that the recipe for Betwixt & Between contained the rare & mystical substance Salt. The elders believed that Salt was sacred and should never be used for mundane things, like magic.
Oldold argued that without the remedy, all of Growlerville was vulnerable to another Betwixt & Between infection, but the ancient Huhu Council ordered that the page containing the recipe be removed from all copies of Magical Reference. Fortunately, Growlerville has been free of Betwixt & Between since Oldold last used his recipe, many thousands of moons ago. Some in the magic community believe the recipe was so successful it drove Betwixt & Between to extinction.
And that's an amazing Huhu fact!
re: DRAWKCAB (Growler Radio 2 "The Sky Rider Problem")
Fact: The ancient Huhu philosophers spent a lot of time wondering about why opposites were sometimes not opposites. If you don't want NO candy, then you do want SOME candy. Which way is down when you're all the way down? Which way is up when you're all the way up?
Archaeologists recently uncovered what looks to be an ancient attempt at time travel. The letters D-R-A-W-K-C-A-B, or drawkcab appear in prominent places on the device. Using modern computer deciphering technology, scientists learned something incredible! Drawkcab is the word "backward" spelled backward! Not only that, but in ancient Huhu languages, "drawkcab" meant "forward." And if you think about it, backward backward IS "forward."
And that's an amazing Huhu fact!
re: Neverstop (Growler Radio 7 "Summer Snow")
Fact: There is much to be learned by studying the refuse created by the ancients. Ancient Huhu practiced infinite variations of magical experiments using the naturally occurring magic so abundantly available to them. Some of these experiments yielded great advances for the society. But most magic experiments resulted in what we now call magically encrusted waste.
The Never Stop is a good example. Discarded as uncontrollable and useless by the ancients, modern Huhu have discovered new and powerful uses for it. Put some in the water of your waterbed, and get a perpetual massage. They'll also unclog your drains and keep your pillows fluffed. New uses are being found every day! And so we learn that ancient waste while sometimes dangerous, can, at other times, be incredibly useful.
And that's an amazing Huhu fact!
re: Time Stop (Growler Radio 9 "Time Stop")
Fact: There is proof that some of the ancients were incredibly swift builders. We often wondered how our ancestors were able to build huge structures so quickly. The Ancient Waterslide Monument near Growlerville Park was assembled more than 2 gigamoons ago with no modern technology. Recent deciphering of Huhu literary artifacts reveal that the waterslide was built in its entirety in less than one Huhu moment. How can so large a structure be built in less than the amount of time it takes to blink?
Although the ancient Huhu were not technologically advanced, they were magically very advanced. They discovered that one musical form of magic caused time to stop for the listeners. Huhu construction crews would perform this Time Stop music. Then, once time had stopped for them, they would build the monuments, one brick at a time. When finished, they would start time again. To an observer, the structure appears to be built in an instant.
And that's an amazing Huhu fact!
re: Missing out on your own future (Growler Radio 11 "Time In 2 Bottles")
Fact: Your future can take place without you! Modern
Huhu enjoy traveling into the future and into the past. But anyone involved with time manipulation must recognize that mistakes happen. There are those unfortunate souls who, because of faulty enchantments were transported to other time zones in which they remain, unable to get back to their real time.
Strange as that may seem, it is possible in this way for you to miss out on your own future.
And that's an amazing Huhu fact!
re: Oldold as outlaw (Growler Radio 13 "Voice Throw")
Fact: Our ancestor and Master of Natural Forces, Oldold, did some of his best work while he was a fugitive. When the Huhu Magistrate called him before the Council to explain how he was able to create magically encrusted objects, Oldold refused, not wanting to reveal trade secrets. All the enforcement capability of the Council was not able to capture Oldold, and they eventually gave up trying
The documents found with a recently discovered artifact reveal how Oldold evaded capture without ever going into hiding. Even though he was wanted by the law, he was able to remain in his own house, and continue to live as he had become accustomed, with the help of a special device he created for the occasion. The magically encrusted Voice Throw enabled him to cast his voice great distances, and to taunt the authorities with impunity. It was during this time that he wrote the classic kids' tune "Na na na na naa na, You Can't Catch Me," which every child now knows by heart.
And that's an amazing Huhu fact!
re:Black Remind Me (Growler Radio 12 "Wave Of The Future")
Fact: Those who have forgotten the most, may be the most valuable to our society. At the Oldold Center For Applied Magic, researchers studying memory loss discovered a promising new technique for teaching complex concepts. The method employs the Black Remind Me, which can help you remember what someone else forgot.
A "teacher" is hired who was paid to learn the particular subject very well and then forget it. That might seem silly, but it's hard to forget things on purpose! The students then gather around and apply the Black Remind Me gently to the teacher's forehead. In time, the students will remember everything the teacher forgot.
The more the teacher has forgotten, the more the students learn!
And that's an amazing Huhu fact!
re: Nothing/Nothing Remover (Growler Radio 14 "Nothing For Christmas")
Fact: Sometimes it is the eraser that makes the pencil valuable. Take Nothing for example. Although the development of Nothing is often pointed to by magic historians as a milestone in the advance of our society, it was the development of Nothing Remover that enabled Nothing to become a household product.
Up until this time, Nothing was a dangerous substance, whose powers were irreversible. Anything made invisible was permanently invisible. If you got some on you, too bad.
So, you see, it was the advent of Nothing Remover that made Nothing a product safe enough to give to children on Christmas.
And that's an amazing Huhu fact!
re: Timefish & The Temporal Vortex (Growler Radio 26 "Timefish")
Fact: Tmefish is a species of one.
How can that be?
Imagine a species called the Timefish that appears, traveling in large schools and displaying the incredible ability to open the time continuum, and travel freely within it. These fish can travel through time! Early scientists notice that their appearance not only coincides with large insect populations, but also with the appearance of an unusual, cave like opening in time called the temporal vortex. (This by itself is a topic for discussion) In recent times, a researcher (QB Snifs) is the first to accurately predict the appearance of the Timefish leading to the possibility of research on the creature itself. By capturing (then releasing unharmed) several individuals, DNA samples are taken and comparative studies done. The results are surprising. There seems to be no differences in the DNA of these individuals. At first, the accepted conclusion is that this species is more like an ant or bee community where the DNA is the same because of one queen. But the Timefish have no queen. All captured specimens of the Timefish are sterile, with no reproductive organs. A simple tagging experiment leads to an astounding discovery. After the initial tagging of 4 individual Timefish, 8 tags are observed at their next appearance! Theories fly about reproduction in another time frame, replication capabilities, optical illusions, etc. Then Snifs makes an observation that every individual Timefish seems to have the exact same body peculiarities. By studying the highly detailed photographs of every individual, he notices that they all have the same tiny scars on the tail fin, and concludes that all Timefish are THE SAME INDIVIDUAL! They reproduce by joining themselves in other times (past or future) and then moving together as a larger school to yet another time, perhaps joining with more of themselves.
One of the explanations for the existence of the Timefish (now a protected species) is that it was the result of a biological experiment done in the future. What would be the environmental impact of the introduction of such a creature into our environment?
Fact: The ancients called it the "Cave of Large Things." It is the opening in time created by the Timefish when they enter your time. Its physical appearance is a three dimensional tear, very much like a cave in a large rock. Within this cave, no time passes. This can be a difficult concept to grasp. To an observer, anyone entering the vortex appears to leave as they enter - entering and leaving the very next instant. So when those who went in tell of their amazing adventure inside, the observer can not understand how so much could have happened while no time seemed to pass. Those who went in turned around to see the observer frozen in time outside the vortex before going on to their adventure.
They called it the "Cave of Large Things" because temporal distortion within the vortex causes objects to appear larger with altered perspective.
And those are amazing Huhu facts!